What can you expect on your dental implant treatment in Cancun?

What can you expect on your dental implant treatment in Cancun?


A lot of times we get patients who wonder if their dental implant treatment in Cancun will last forever and if the placing of the implants has 100% success. We are always straight forward with these answers.The usual success rate of dental implants on healthy patients (non-smoking) is around 90%~96%. The ultimately success of dental implants have lots of factors. Sometimes the body will simply reject the implant no matter what, just like with other types of medical procedures. Age, previous bone loss, nutrition, preexisting medical conditions and smoking are some of the biggest tipping points that can end up affecting the final results. This is why we always provide a FREE EVALUATION online where we can check if you are a candidate for any of our dental implant procedures, and from there find the right solution for you.


Here, Doctor German Arzate had an interview with one of our recent patients who got her All-on-4 dental implant in Cancun. They used their case as an example to talk about what can happen and how we handle these types of cases.


A (Doctor German Arzate): You came here, 10 days ago… We did a surgery

M (Michelle): 10 days ago

A: But today’s topic is something very interesting, I placed four implants, the four lowers and they are ready to be loaded but, here on uppers… Sometimes they tell me; “Oh, come on Doctor, everything goes right, always?” No, you can have this type of things.

[shows x-rays]

A: So I placed a fifth implant here. Why I did that? Because… I wanted her to have that beautiful smile, go with screw retained temporaries because this was a temporary thing that I did. We cool that implant, let it heal, let it sleep and let the bone do its work. She had a previous bone grafting so I couldn’t reach the strength, this is important, because we have story here… And at the end, we have a happy patient, you were eating, biting, chewing? Without any problems?

M: Very happy! Everything, without any problems

A: There’s not always like, great and successful stories, if a doctor is only telling you how good they are and everything, that’s a fake.

M: It’s not true, exactly and I am beyond my expectations, because you went above and beyond and ethically did the right thing. And I’m out of the country, I came from New York, so like, you’ve changed my life! He’s really changed my life for the better, thank you so much!

A: Thank you sweetie, we did it with love. This is very important, things that as doctors we can control and things that we cannot control. These are things, like the bone on that area, we cannot control that part but, if we find something like this we do a teamwork and we talk to the patient, it’s like “Well, I didn’t reach what I wanted but we can do something more to treat that area”. That’s important, and nothing happens, and we have things like that, so I…

M: And I still have a smile like this! And these are temporaries! Cancun is beautiful, the people are the nicest people here, it’s just been… I wasn’t scared and I stayed at a local Airbnb, I didn’t even stayed at a hotel. So, I was treated like a queen here, not even just at Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry on the street as well. Everybody is very nice, don’t be scared to come, I felt so safe and like you said, I came alone! And alone I walked the streets at night by myself and everything, I had no problems.

Come to Cancun, come see this man, Cancun Dentistry is amazing! The staff is above and beyond, they all are amazing people.


If you want to know more about what our dental implant costs in Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry can do for you call toll free from USA and Canada 1-800-565-1424, or if you are already on vacation in Cancun and want to meet us, you can call us for an appointment at the following local number (998) 1-40-51-25.

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One of the first things you need to do to get your smile makeover is get a good dental diagnosis. Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry has an amazing team of dentists that have years of experience on implant dentistry and smile design, offering the right affordable dental treatments to restore your mouth. The process to diagnose starts by contacting us here! Send us your mouth photos and x-rays so we can find the best solution for your smile!

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