What can you expect after a wisdom tooth extraction?
Imagine this, you are enjoying your vacation in the beach in Cancun, you have waited a long time to enjoy the sun and the pool but then something happens, something you hadn’t even thought of… your wisdom tooth starts hurting. You would be surprised by the number of people who need a wisdom tooth extraction during their vacation. A lot of patients had avoided dentists for years and hadn’t checked themselves since they were kids, whether because of phobia to the dentist or not having money at the time. So they are quite desperate with one of the worst pains they can imagine. Luckily for them we can perform a wisdom tooth extraction at our dental clinic in Cancun.
What can you expect after such dental surgery? Well, in most cases it will depend on the position of the wisdom tooth was stuck in the first place but we can mention some of the most common things that happen. After the surgery is done you will be given a soft gauze to put over the area and you will need to gently bite down on it to keep it in place as it absorbs left over bleeding. It will take about 30 minutes before you need to change it for a new clean gauze. You should take this time to go back to your hotel to rest and don’t do any strenuous activity or the blood vessels might swell. You can rinse your mouth with a glass of bottled water + 1 tablespoon of salt to control bleeding (ask the dentist how many times you should do that and for how long).
Don’t get scared by the blood in your mouth. Remember, the socket where the tooth was is now filling with blood and will have to clot. You can also expect some swelling that can be minimized with a cold pack and the doctor will be able to prescribe you with a over the counter painkiller. Avoid extremely hot foods and DO NOT use straws to drink. This can cause the clot on your socket to get sucked too! Don’t eat things like rice, nuts, popcorn, etc because they tend to get stuck in the crevices.
If you are in need of an emergency wisdom tooth extraction or any other kind of dental emergency while in Cancun, make sure to contact us!
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