A Humanitarian’s Review of our dental clinic in Cancun!
We would like to share with you the story of our dear patient James Mitchell. He is a retired nurse who has focused his efforts towards helping people around the world. James worked along side with Doctor Without Borders for years, bringing much needed medical help to famine stricken areas in Africa and assisting the extremely poor in India. We were surprised to learn about everything he has done. He has been living in Isla Mujeres right off the coast of Cancun for several years now.
James is a long time patient of ours. He was gladly surprised with our prices when he first found out about us. He is aware of the exorbitant rates at which medical work is being charged in the States. His background as a nurse helped him compare the quality in medical care between USA and Mexico. We have the same standards and charge much less for it. He would like to tell people in the States to come here so they don’t have to pay more from their hard earned retirement savings on the same dental work.
Over the years he has had dental implants, flippers and recently a bone graft. He’s happy with our work:
I am grateful for the intensive care I have received here, especially since I could not have afforded it in the USA.
We are so glad you feel this way James!
You don’t have to neglect your oral health anymore. You can save up to 70% on your treatments by having them done here at our dental clinic in Cancun. Come to vacation in Cancun and get your teeth fixed! James strongly suggests that if you save enough maybe you can also donate to Doctors Without Borders so they can also make a difference for other people. We took the time to look for their and other organization links that will provide help:
- Donate to Doctors Without Borders: Responds to medical humanitarian emergencies on famine and war stricken countries.
- Donate to the Girl Effect: Provides access to education and training to poor girls. When a girl gets 7+ years of education, she marries 4 years later & has 2 fewer children on average.
- Donate to the World Food Programme: “Right now, the world is experiencing an unprecedented number of hunger emergencies, and WFP’s resources are stretched thin. Your gift will help us continue providing nutritious, lifesaving food for children and families.”
- FreeRice: Freerice is a non-profit website that is owned by and supports the United Nations World Food Programme. Play grammar games and money from the ads will go towards buying rice.
You can also get a new white smile with the professional assistance of our doctors and save up to 70% on your dental treatment. If you want to know more about our services call toll free from USA and Canada 1-800-565-1424, or if you are already on vacation in Cancun and want to meet us, you can call us for an appointment at the following local number (998) 1-40-51-25.
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