Our dental clinic has been verified by Global Clinic Rating!


Dental Clinic in Cancun verified by Global Clinic Rating

GCR monitors hundreds of sources to check on the facilities, standards, expertise and patient satisfaction feedback to create a score that shows the quality and excellence of clinics compared to those on its same country and also around the world. A patient looking for verified information can visit this site and quickly compare the general standing of the clinic and doctors given on the factors stated above. Patient Feedback is an ever-increasing important factor in assessing any medical clinic, one that we tried to use the most by posting most of our patient reviews and videos sharing their dental experience with us.



Our clinic was personally visited and evaluated by a member of the GCR team to verify that the expected quality was correct as many of publicly available data of our clinic on the internet, like independent reviews by patients, range of follow up customer service, as well as the quality and quantity of technology present of its facilities. You can check our profile on their site.



This would make it the second time in a year that we are being recognized by third independent parties for our dental services. Last time, we talked about how we won the Service Award by WhatClinic. We feel proud that this is happening and we have a compromise with our patients to keep doing our best to provide the dental care they need, whether that is a dental implant, a crown, veneers or even a full smile makeover, we will always be ready to help you out.



If you want to know more about what our dentists in Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry can do for you call toll free from USA and Canada 1-800-565-1424, or if you are already on vacation in Cancun and want to meet us, you can call us for an appointment at the following local number (998) 1-40-51-25.

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Take the first step to the smile of your dreams

One of the first things you need to do to get your smile makeover is get a good dental diagnosis. Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry has an amazing team of dentists that have years of experience on implant dentistry and smile design, offering the right affordable dental treatments to restore your mouth. The process to diagnose starts by contacting us here! Send us your mouth photos and x-rays so we can find the best solution for your smile!

contact cancun cosmetic dentistry 2024

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