Cancun got the Safe Travel stamp by the World Travel and Tourism Council!

Cancun got the Safe Travel stamp by the World Travel and Tourism Council!


As Cancun and other cities around the world start to slowly ease quarantine restrictions, people have understood that this doesn’t mean we should throw all caution to wind. Experts continue to follow closely the development of the rate of new cases to create better protocols to ensure we can ease into the this “new normality” to protect you and your family. This includes travel.

While it might be a while before leisure travel returns to normality at 100%, there is still a need for travel, be that for business or medical reasons. Dental tourism in Cancun also falls into this category. For this reason the World Travel & Tourism Council have created a stamp for destination and business to help you make the right decision knowing we are putting your safety, health and security first.

The Safe Travels stamp was developed as a sign to show any given business or city is following the required safety protocols on their policies respecting social distancing and hygiene guidelines. What does this entail exactly? While every type of business is a bit different some of the standard plans to achieve operational excellence include limiting the number of staff in common back-of-house areas, marked social distancing spots for guests and staff, integrated technologies to enable contact free payment if possible, require of use of masks for visitors and personal, cleaning and disinfection schedules and training of staff with enhanced hygiene measures and continuous monitoring following WHO guidelines and local government instructions.

This is why Cancun will slowly reactivate some of the hotels in the area, allowing some new influx of visitors in the following weeks.

For our part, Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry is already following and implementing most of these protocols and will soon apply to get this stamp! Follow us in social media for when we do the announcement. In the meantime, we will require you continue to look after your health and safety in these trying times. We are sending you a big hug from sunny Cancun and wishing you were here. While we wait until then, why don’t you check out our gallery and contact us?

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