The secret to affordable Root canals


Affordable root canals in Cancun - Check the price


One of the most common dentistry procedures we do are root canals, also known as endodontic treatments. Many of our patients have been suffering from tooth aches for a long time and didn’t have the chance of getting them done in USA or Canada. Coming to Cancun on their vacations is really an excellent opportunity to fix the problem and live without pain.


The goal of the root canal is to try to try to save the integrity of the tooth when the pulp has been affected. This way the tooth can stay in place, avoiding the necessity of an extraction. Getting an extraction might be an immediate solution, but it will lead to a serious of problems you need to be aware of it: teeth natural push against each other and the a missing tooth will mean those teeth will start shifting trying to fill in the gaps. This misalignment can cause you trouble eating and chewing.



Root canals are an essential procedure to keep your quality of life, but sometimes you might end up needing more dental treatments and being too expensive with a dentists in USA and Canada.  Luckily for you, we have a group of doctors with specialty on Endodontics that will help you out during your vacation. Getting a vacation and your root canal at the same time will allow you to save on a good chunk on the final price of your dental care.  As of October 2016, our regular price for root canal treatments is $250 USD each, you can check the rest of our prices and compare them with your local dentist.



If you want to know more about what our dentists in Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry can do for you call toll free from USA and Canada 1-800-565-1424, or if you are already on vacation in Cancun and want to meet us, you can call us for an appointment at the following local number (998) 1-40-51-25.



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