Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry
Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry
Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Cancun Cosmetic DentistrySedation Dentistry is the use of pharmacological agents to calm and relax a patient during the dental procedure.

Sometimes we have patients who have high anxiety levels. We offer sedation to make them feel more comfortable and pain-free. It is always performed and supervised by a professional Anesthesiologist. It allows you to be unaware of the whole treatment, as if you were relaxing.

Sedation provides a better environment for very nervous patients. This service can be available but must be ordered with anticipation. Our clinic always cares about giving you an stress-anxiety-free experience.

Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry

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The Experts on Implant Dentistry!

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Truth about dental work in Cancun!

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Patient and anesthegiologist talk about Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry!

IV Sedation Dentistry

Cancun Cosmetic DentistryPerformed by a professional Anesthesiologist, this service involves using sedative medications to produce a relaxed and pain-free environment, out of anxiety. We offer sedation to provide a better experience for our patients.

In this way, our dentists are able to perform your dental procedure more easily. Tranquilizers and anxiolytics are also applied. This allows you to follow the doctor’s indications, but you won’t remember anything about the procedure. We always explain to our patients everything that we are going to do and what is going to happen before, during and after the procedure.

If you suffer from high anxiety and fear about undergoing any dental treatment, then sedation dentistry is perfect for your needs. Some of our patients have extremely sensitive teeth due to their fragile condition, but we are prepared to solve these kinds of problems. If you find really difficult to cooperate during any dental procedure due to high anxiety, then this option is right for you.

It is important to mention that being stressed produce more tension in your face, we need to be able to open your mouth and check your teeth.

Patients with Parkinson’s Syndrome are also candidates for this service. Sedation Dentistry is available with previous request with an extra cost. You will be in the best hands.

The cost of treatment at our clinic in Cancun is much lower than in other countries. We use the same materials and equipment that dentists use in the USA and Canada for a fraction of the cost.


Before & After

Our dental implant system is the best in the market. We only work with the best materials, renowned brands, and with the most prepared professionals. Here you can appreciate the big change that our patients get after our dental implant procedures. All the results are amazing! You have so much to win here! We take these pictures to show the big difference between the first day they came before compared to the final day! Get a full smile in just one week.

Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry
Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry

Take the first step to the smile of your dreams

One of the first things you need to do to get your smile makeover is get a good dental diagnosis. Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry has an amazing team of dentists that have years of experience on implant dentistry and smile design, offering the right affordable dental treatments to restore your mouth. The process to diagnose starts by contacting us here! Send us your mouth photos and x-rays so we can find the best solution for your smile!

contact cancun cosmetic dentistry 2024

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